Michael F Schundler
2 min readAug 10, 2019


Your whole premise is silly. Do you expect auto companies should be responsible for every car accident that occurs? Sounds silly doesn’t it. Are you really advocating that lawyers including people who caused the car accident be able to hold auto companies liable for any accident that occurs because they are driving the car?

When you try to manipulate laws to “outlaw” products, you have to look at how such behavior would impact other products on the market and whether you are trying to “outlaw” something the courts consider legal. The Supreme Court has determined that individual gun ownership is a Constitutional right. Any attempt designed to interfere with that right for the majority of Americans whether by using clever political maneuvers is equally unconstitutional. Read the 2008 case of DC vs Heller.


Before you go off and call me a gun lover, I am not a member of the NRA and I do not own a gun. I wish people who don’t need them would not buy them. I don’t recommend anyone that is not a hunter or live in a place where personal protection is a real threat own a gun. Owning a gun does come with personal risks and personal liability if not used for a legal purpose by the user, not the manufacturer. While most products gets misused to a greater or lesser degree, irresponsible gun use is dangerous and is “cause” to limit someone’s gun ownership rights under current law.

Trying to come up with new and creative ways to make guns unavailable is unconstitutional. Not even an “act of Congress” can change that, it would take a Constitutional Amendment. If enough Americans believe that a Constitutional Amendment is warranted, then they should start a movement to pass one.

I said I don’t own a gun. I didn’t say, I live in a gated community. I didn’t say I live in a town where the police can respond to any violent crime within a few minutes. I suspect if I lived in part of Wyoming where police response times can take up to an hour, I might own a gun for hunting and protection. I know people who live in parts of the country where the poor feed their family by hunting.

Hey I just had a great idea, one easy way to stop people using mobile phones while driving is to allow people to sue the hell out of mobile phone manufacturers until they go out of business. Every time a house burns down we can sue the contractor for not making them fireproof. The list goes one…



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