Your issue is not with "Amy", it is with the 60% of pro-choice women that oppose elective abortions after the first trimester. Those 60% when added to the pro-life women mean nearly 80% of women oppose elective abortions after 15 weeks.
At this point you should be asking yourself what you missed... oh yeah... an abortion involves an unborn baby.
I am surprised you refer to all those European women as Christian fascists since most of them are not Christian or fascists but oppose abortions after 15 weeks. And half of them oppose abortions after 10 weeks.
Meanwhile, it turns out men are less opposed to elective abortions after 15 weeks than those fascist prochoice women. Clearly, you don't trust women to make laws.
Finally, I ran an OB/GYN group that delivered 1500-1800 babies a month around 20,000 babies a year. These days very few babies are born with the serious issues you talk about. In the US about 3% of babies have serious issues, and the more extreme cases you noted are far less.
Moreover 90% of abortions after 20 weeks involve a healthy mother and a healthy baby, not the situations you describe.
Perhaps your career places you into contact with the most tragic situations. But your experience has nothing to do with abortion. The horrible examples you describe are independent of the issue of abortion.
Finally, legally "Amy" has no business determining abortion law. She and all the Supreme Court justices are not elected but nominated to rule on laws, not "legislate" them.
It appears you are the fascist since you are suggesting a group of 9 unelected people in fancy robes should be issuing laws that all of us have to live under. Democracies have elected legislative bodies that are supposed to do that.