Michael F Schundler
2 min readAug 13, 2019


Your experience is very unlike ours. My children are mixed race. The first three were white, the next two Asian/White. The oldest boy has four children. They are African/White. The oldest girl has one child who is African/Hispanic/White and the next daughter has one child who is White. The next two girls who are already mixed race can’t help but have mixed race grandchildren.

All of my children and my grandchildren are being raised “color blind” and taught skin color, eye color, hair color are “natural” variations of human beings or said another way… natural variations of the “human race”. Those variations are no longer important and no longer serve a biological purpose given modern technology. We don’t need skin color to protect us from the sun, we have sunscreen. We don’t light skin to absorb Vitamin D from the sun, we have vitamin D fortified milk.

Since skin color is nothing more than natural biological mutations humans experienced in order to adopt to their environment and those mutations are no longer important, they will fade away in time. My children are taught they are the “leading” edge of this event and in time as skin color gets blended over and over again we will have thousands of mixed race variations but very few “pure” race skin color humans left. Why? Because skin color just doesn’t matter anymore.

The result of that upbringing is that our friendships and even our soulmates are chosen based on “who they are” and not what color eyes, skin, or hair they have. My children are not ignorant that racism exists though it is far less than the media or far left would make you think.

The “far left” needs “racism” far more than conservatives. The fear of racism is the basis for identity politics and so the absence of racism undermines a key political strategy of the left. They label conservatives as racists because they need to stir up fear.

Those of us, conservatives, that believe in equality as a God given inalienable human right and not something negotiated through politics have no need for “racism”. There is no place for racism in our political ideology or economic practices.

As an executive, I threatened to fire anyone who worked for me who hired or did not hire someone based on their “racial” prejudices, because doing so denied our company the best talent available. In other words, to the true conservative, racism is a waste in every sense of the word. It has no value.

My children grow up knowing that some people have been raised to see certain “racial” characteristics as attractive and others as not. In our world, that is their loss. Diversity is the “spice” of life, whether expressed in human variation, cultural variations (food, music, traditions, clothing), or even style. “Sameness” is boring.



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