Your article has more truth many of your other articles, but the conclusion regarding globalization and war having any real connection is flawed.
The primary force that put a lid on all out war, was the fear of nuclear war. But while all world war has to a large degree been avoided since WW2, war has been present on the globe continously and globalization has done nothing to prevent it.
Putin's invasion of Ukraine has likely ended any long term claim Russia will have on Ukraine as the hate it has fostered in the Ukriainian people will either result in its losing and becoming just another second rate power with nuclear weapons or a rogue state like Iran, surviving but in perpetual fear of internal political movements to overthrow the government.
Glorbalization was always a bad idea. Like socialism it has "moral appeal" when presented as "theroy" in practice like socialism it fails to incorporate the corrupt nature of people and nations to take advantage of a system than lends itself to those that take advantage of it.
Trump pointed this truth out, when he declared America first, not America alone. Without liking Trump, a rational person realizes that in a world where nations are prone to abuse one another, it is critical that nations enter into international arrangements with their eyes wide open and the interests of their citizens foremost.
Lastly actually worldwide standards of living have risen consistently for the last 50 years (with the occasion blip due to global recessions). That is not only true globally but regionally except for Sub Sahara Africa. In Africa as a whole, the percentage of people living in poverty has dropped the least over the last 30 years, but even in Africa poverty levels have dropped more than 20% from 54.3% to 41.1%.
That said perceptions of "what is fair" have meant that while standards of living are rising globally, expectations are rising faster creating a gap between where most people are living and what most people expect.
This produces a demand for socialism, which over time is the single biggest destroyer (short of war) of the societal capital needed to raise living standards.
In short, globalization was a failed economic experiment, that works better in theory than in practice and so it is only natural that it gets discarded. But it has no direct link to war. War has been constant for centuries often involving far more people than the present conflict in Ukraine and there really was no noticable benefit as relates to war from globalization.
The important thing for you to consider in your future articles is that standards of living as proven by countries like Japan and Singapore are raised by productivity which depends on capital investments. Capitalism has the amazing ability of attracting capital investment because it rewards capital investment with returns (profits). These profits fund more jobs and more productivity and creates the virtuous cycle that lifts countries out of poverty.
China is perhaps one of the most capitalist countries today and it economy has been growing the fastest for decades and standards of living have been rising. So its time for you to preach more capitalism, the world needs it.