Michael F Schundler
2 min readJun 27, 2021


You simply are unwilling to consider the facts… I have an interest in insuring my African American grandchildren and Asian children are not targets of systemic racism. I also have an interest in them not believing that they are “victims” because of the color of their skin. So where evidence exists of economic discrimination, educational, or other forms of systemic discrimination I am opposed to it. But practicing racism as a tool to achieve social equity is dangerous…

The original suits were brought by students. The DOJ found evidence of discrimination in the form of affirmative action and joined in. When Biden’s administration took over they dropped the suit, because they are not opposed to affirmative action.

One study showed that in order to be admitted to certain selective institutions, Asian applicants needed to score — on the 1600 point scale of the “old SAT” — 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and 450 points higher than African Americans if other factors are held equal. If you argue this is just one study, then find a study that refutes this? Unlikely you will since the Ivy league admits to doing it to achieve its social mission and diversity goals…

So again if you believe in using racism to cure past racism, then you should be very happy with some of the far left policies including some enacted by Biden. If you believe in the goal of equality of opportunity, then you would focus at insuring equal opportunity rather than equal outcomes… each calls for very different approaches… the first calls for improved educational opportunities in K-12 to insure African American students are able to compete. The latter simply adjusts the targets to achieve diversity goals.

So it is not a question of practicing dogma or being selective with data… the real question is to the extent racial disparities exist are they a function of systemic racism or some other difference like culture. Systemic racism if it can be documented should be addressed… but practicing racism to achieve an outcome lays the groundwork that racism can be justified… that is a slippery slope…



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