Michael F Schundler
2 min readDec 6, 2019


You seriously need to get perspective. If you have watch the various hearings, you heard witness after witness admit their were attributing motive to Trump’s behavior but had no proof of such motive.

The Dems then shot themselves in the foot with their professor choices. Three professors all of whom had clear bias. After five minutes of listening, I suspect all but the most rabid Democrats were shocked. These scholars went so far as to state they understood the Constitution better than the Supreme Court… talk about chutzpah…

Arrayed against them was one professor… a Democrat, who voted against Trump, and who frankly does not like Trump. He made it perfectly clear that the Democrats have not made their case. That the American people would reject their findings because they have not made their case. The Senate will reject their findings simply based on failure to do a proper investigation (in effect without even expressing an opinion on the merits of the case, the Republicans could reject it because the case failed because its process).

You don’t get it. The Democrats have put themselves on trial. Schiff is screaming Presidential abuse of power even as he releases private phone records of his opposition (turns out they were the wrong records). But where does Schiff get authority to “spy” on Americans… what judge granted him that power?

Bottom line, the Dems will not impeach Trump. More independents with sympathize with Trump seeing the Democratic actions in Congress as a waste of taxpayer money in pursuit of a bureaucratic coup. I do not expect this Democratic show will play well in Peoria… or many other Midwestern states. I have lived in three of them in the past and they don’t suffer fools like the Democrats lightly… they get further agitated when they hear that Pelosi is holding up the USMCA agreement which means jobs to farmers and factory workers to get her caucus in line.

Democrats are dumb. They could easily have won in 2020, if they had run a center of the road Midwestern Democrat with credentials… someone like Bayh from Indiana. Instead they seem to be a party tearing itself apart. Nothing captures this more than Kamala Harris exiting the Presidential race declaring the Democratic party is to racist for an African American woman… and this says it all. Democrats have lost all sense… everyone is a racist… everyone who opposes us (and by that they are referring to those that oppose them individually must be destroyed)…

Americans don’t like that… they are not buying what Democrats are selling…



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