You seem to confuse abortion which is a human rights issue between two people... the unborn baby and the mother, with personal freedom issues.
Do you understand the difference?
I have always been shocked by people who fail to acknowledge that fact. I am also shocked that the same people who claim democracy is being "threatened" by conservatives are upset that the recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion did not say the "current law" was unconstitutional (something a "conservative" court might have said), but rather the "process" for arriving at the current law was unconstitutional because courts are not supposed to make law. The power in our constitution belongs to democratically elected legislatures (not an unelected body of judges). Do you favor authoritarian government as long as they pass laws you like?
All this fearmongering... what a waste. It really comes down to whether you believe our laws should be determined by "the people" or judges. As for the other things you are fearmongering about, the Republicans support individual freedom except when your exercising of freedom imposes itself on others. You can run around naked at home all you want... but you can't run around a public elementary school naked, not because someone wants to take away your rights to be naked, but because parents have an equal right not for their children to be subject to seeing you naked.
In contrast, the recent rash of Covid mandates, suggests Democrats are more than will take away your personal freedom for the greater good.
Bottom line, do you believe in the democratic process, or do you just care about the "outcome" reflecting your choices? If the Supreme Court had replaced Roe v Wade by saying abortions were illegal under any circumstances, even as someone who wants limitations on abortions, I would have said they had not right to make such a ruling... it is not their job. I accept that in a democracy, voters have a right to pass laws I don't agree with as long as they reflect a thoughtful balance between fundamental human rights... in this case, a balance between a baby's rights and a woman's rights.