Michael F Schundler
4 min readNov 19, 2019


You pretty much confirmed what I thought you felt when you wrote the article. I started rebutting all your points, but realized it was a waste of time.

Yes, Republicans are tired of the drivel you just espoused. And they are immune to the constant attempts to play gotcha by the Democrats… The whole Democratic impeachment case is based on them ascribing assumptions and motives that both Trump and Selensky deny.

It is almost comedic if it were not so tragic, that the Democrats have revised “the charge” a third time in a month… first quid pro quo, then bribery, now attempted bribery… shouldn’t you know what you are trying to impeach a President for before you begin an investigation? Reminds one of the Mueller investigation… first, collusion then obstruction, then nothing. In addition, their recent demand that Trump prove he is innocent, argues they know they can’t prove he is guilty.

Trump is not perfect, but his policies are better than those of the candidate he appears likely to face in November and that is what matters to Trump voters. Even Obama warned Democrats that the country is not ready for what the more progressive liberal Democrats are selling (rather than heeding Obama, the most popular Democrat in the country today… these progressive liberals told him to stay out of the election… he won’t).

Only a fool thinks this impeachment has anything to do with “impeaching” the President, it is all about the 2020 election. Democrats are using it to whip up their base and Republicans will use it in the same way. The proceedings are not likely to change anyone’s mind, so they are focused on getting their bases out to the polls.

Impeachment is supposed to be when the Congress as a whole thinks a President is a “threat” to the nation … Republicans do not, case closed. Pelosi said as much when she said impeachment attempts without bipartisan support were a waste of time… but sadly and tragically she failed to heed her own counsel. When it lacks bipartisan support and when it is so evidently partisan… voters get it…

So don’t be surprised when Republicans turn the whole “impeachment” trick back on the Democrats. With 30 seats not up for election in 2020 and 11 more seats as safe, the Republicans have more than enough to block any impeachment leaving room for individual Republicans to act in their own self interest if they think it helps them to support impeachment.

So the Republicans will be able to focus on what is politically advantageous (the media has begun to analyze this angle). Once the impeachment moves to the Senate where the Senate controls the process, Republicans will control the narrative. Expect that it will take a totally different turn with witnesses being called who will show the flaws in the House process and Democratic Presidential candidates being called off the road during crucial primaries.

The Senate may even dive deep into Joe and Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine, which already has hurt Biden a great deal… Part of me wishes they wouldn’t, because even if he is corrupt, he will be far less expensive to this nation than a progressive liberal would be.

Democrats threw Biden under the bus in this impeachment process to get Trump. They must have figured it was worth it. This inquiry at best will end up painting Biden as a self serving politician enriching himself and his family before he left office for what he thought was the last time. Not pretty…

And while some of Trump’s supporters may consider Trump’s style inappropriate (he should have directed the DOJ to investigate Biden’s claims in the video which violate several laws including the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act). As such the Democrats will be handing the Senate all the tools to investigate Biden under the auspices of determining whether Trump’s actions were unlawful, inappropriate, or even lawful and appropriate. If the Senate has the time and inclination, they may even lay out a case that what Trump sensed was illegal in Biden’s activities… is in fact, illegal.

Which is why I think Patrick Deval entered the race. I do expect Obama to endorse him if he gains any traction. More than anything else, this impeachment may create a lane for Deval leaving Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton, who might have stepped in… on the sidelines. Deval was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts. He is a liberal with some financial sense and so I think he will appeal to the same crowd as Biden… so Biden needs to be sent packing so Deval can occupy that lane. What better way then to let the House Republicans do it. Deval’s negatives is they he comes from the “rich club” and that could be poison in this election… his positives is he is smart, a good speaker, and unlikely to steer the Democrats so far left that they lose the moderates in the party.

So if one views the whole impeachment process as part of the 2020 election it makes sense… as a traditional impeachment process designed to remove a President where there is bipartisan support to do so… no way…



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