You must really struggle with every historical accurate movie. Like those movies where Native Americans attack settlements kill and murder all the men and then take the women and children back to their settlements to be traumatized.
And of course, there are the movies set during the time that the Arabs invade Spain forcing all to die or convert to Islam. And those that do convert are relegated to slavery with the men being neutered.
And of course, who can forget what the Romans did to the Germans, Gauls, and Brits much less the Slavs. In fact, so many slavs were enslaved that the word Slav became synonymous with slavery.
The truth is the history of man is not particularly replete with stronger more powerful societies treating weaker ones kindly... regardless of the racial, religious, cultural, or ethnicity of the more powerful tribe. If you can't accept that, then you will struggle with all historically accurate movies.
Indiana Jones reflects a period of history where European countries largely dominated the world and used their domination to explore it and understand it. He is neither a villain or a hero, he is a representation of the time in which the movie is set. Where archeologists sought to discover the truth behind the legends. There are some fascinating non fiction books regarding the desire to Europeans to discover what the truth of Tibet was. Turns out the fiction of the time was far more romantic than the reality.
Someday, people may view everything you believe and do as one step away from being a Neanderthal. Some people today think anyone that consumes meat or wears leather is a "caveman"... perhaps you do. I think it makes less sense to evaluate historical events in light of todays mores and ethics and more sense to try to understand the context of the time.