Michael F Schundler
3 min readMay 31, 2021


You might want to give the new book by Obama's Undersecretary a read. The book is titled "Unsettled?". Because it focuses on the science, it dispels the beliefs of both those who think the climate is not warming as well as those who think we are facing a crisis. It further dispels that idea that a warming climate will produce more violent weather but documents that a warming climate moderates weather... so much for the current belief of raging weather patterns due to climate change.

Most of the forecasts about the impact of climate change that you read about in the media are in fact rooted in fiction and not in science, where the "fudge" factors explain most of the change and not the underlying science.

In other words, they are tweaked to produce the intended results since the model results "untweaked" don't produce the right results. So "running" the numbers is not the problem... it is fudging the numbers that produce the results that support radical political policies. Scientists know how to secure government funding... give them what they want. Furthermore even "honest" studies are interpreted through the lens of bias by government agencies trying to fit them into their current paradigm.

One of the best quotes in the book is that "all models are wrong... but some are useful". Yet people quote them like they are "facts". So where are we with weather and climate models. So far our most accurate forecasts fall apart at about two weeks... at that point the range of outcomes begins to expand beyond the point where one call predict the weather with any degree of certainty... yet people accept we can predict the climate fifty years from now knowing that weather forecasts for next month are nothing more the "guesses".

The science suggests we have more than enough time to study climate better and to work on solutions that make both scientific and economic sense even if it fails to confer the power to government that they so dearly desire.

For now we do need to be cognizant that 250 years from now give or take a few decades, the atmosphere will reach a point where CO2 levels mimic those in most school classrooms.

More and more the "pollicization" of science is undermining its value as people become aware of how it gets twisted to support political policy. We saw this in the pandemic and with climate change. We need to get back to science for the sake of discovery and let the chips fall where they fall.

This article does make a good point that is easily misunderstood and taken as a negative. Man has been "alternating" his environment since he invented the first tools. For the most part that has led to higher standards of living and better quality of life. Having lived in Florida near the everglades, I could not imagine living there before we invented air conditioning to change our "climate". Having lived in Maine, I could not imagine living there without heating systems to change our climate. Having lived in Seattle, I could not imagine living there without umbrellas to shield me from the "climate". The takeaway is that humans are incredibly skilled at adapting to the local climate.

My daughter just moved from Arizona to Minnesota, they are in the process to adapting to the "cataclysmic" climate change between those two regions of the country... Humans thrive in both states... think about that... even more interesting is that over the past few decades the trend has been for people to move "towards" warmer climates and away from colder ones.



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