Michael F Schundler
2 min readFeb 3, 2021


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So it appears that neither Hillary or Trump feel like the lost. But absent evidence to the contrary, Biden will be President for the next four years. As for Sanders having had the election stolen from him... that is a stretch, but I do think do think you can make a far stronger case that the DNC cut the legs out from under him and if they hadn't, he might have gotten the nomination.

What specific act of "corruption" are you claiming Trump committed while President. Specifics not generalizations please.

Does your last paragraph refer to Biden and his supporters? Since being elected, Biden and the Democrats have stationed thousands of troops in Washington... not something any other President did... no matter how unpopular.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in the House impeached Trump without giving him due process or the ability to defend himself.

And Biden who once said only dictators rely on executive orders has issued more executive orders in his first two weeks, than Trump, Obama, and GW Bush did combined.

Concurrently, the so called "free press" has suppressed Freedom of Speech. The "left wing" champions have used boycotts and other tactics to get compliance by corporations. The "cancel" culture is running amok.

Biden has authorized the intelligence agencies in America to focus on domestic terrorism without more clarity of who fits under that label.

So you are right, Biden is acting like an autocrat and people seem okay with his behavior as a dictator. But it seems freaky that you would say that given I gather you support Biden.

Now if you had said, you are surprised that Americans want a womanizer as President, who tends to bully people, and has narcistic tendencies but whose policies led to the lowest unemployment and poverty rate in recent history in this country before the pandemic... then you would have been referring to Trump.



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