You may not, but people will. It is not a matter of "white" supremacy, since where I live in California European whites make up only around 25% of the population. America is blending and the new color is not "white" but rather mixed just like Hispanics.
Five of my grandchildren have an African or Haitian parent, half of my children have an Asian mom (2nd marriage). You don't have to be on board, it will happen without you.
An evolutionary sociologist predicts the "new" American tribe won't be "European" white, but rather more Hispanic white with black and Asian blood blended in. I won't live to see that, but my grandchildren might.
Specific to blacks they are becoming fragmented. Blacks without a common tie to slavery are growing, while the total percentage of Americans who identify as black is pretty stable.
The "new" black ethnicities may identify as black on a form, but as many black writers are saying... they are not black, they have no idea about the experience of American blacks descended from first slavery and then growing up under Jim Crow laws.
Obama's tie to slavery is through his mother, who was white, and his ancestors were slaveowners, not slaves. Kamala Harris black parent was Jamaican. He put down Jamaican, not black, when Harris was born on her birth certificate and her mother was not European white (Indian). Harris is married to a white guy. Vance is married to an Indian woman.
Doesn't matter what you do with your life, you are a drop of water in the sea of humanity as am I. The various "racial" leaders are trying to prevent assimilation whether they are black separatists or white separatists, but they are the 10% that get left behind over time, the rest of American is moving forward.
Enjoy your island. As I said, "sex" is more powerful than ideology. Whether we tolerate one another, integrate with one another, or ultimately procreate with one another, the question is not the outcome, but how long it will take.