You live in a different America then I do.
Where I live non-Hispanic whites comprised 34.7% of the population (and falling fast) . They rank second behind Hispanic whites and Latinos who comprised 39.4% of the population.
Previously, I lived in southern Florida for 10 years. Miami the largest city there has a population that is less than 11% non-Hispanic white.
Boston is the only place I lived for 5 of the last 27 years, that it is still predominantly non-Hispanic white. So, we clearly live in different worlds.
Again, I am not focused on the past, as you seem to be. I am looking at the present and the future. Be careful, looking backwards can cause you to bump into things as you move forward in life.
The future of my family is mixed with 70% of my grandchildren being mixed black and any future grandchildren will be mixed Asian. Fortunately, I don't have the baggage you seem to carry around and can focus helping my grandchildren to thrive in this new world. And they seem to be doing quite well.