Michael F Schundler
2 min readMar 4, 2021


You are so silly. If men commit more violent crime than women and that lead to more deadly encounters with police… Police are not targeting men… they are reacting to criminal activity. Violent criminal activity leads to more deadly encounters with police.

Again using your logic, African Americans are racist towards African Americans, since disproportionately African Americans are responsible for the homicides of other African Americans… do you see how stupid your logic is? More logically, African Americans are disproportionately responsible for the death of other African Americans because they live around African Americans especially in the more violent inner city neighborhoods… so culture, proximity and poverty are driving death rates not racism of African Americans towards other African Americans.

The reason for “parsing” out inner city African American young men from African American young men in general is to avoid racial stereotyping. West Indian and Nigerian and other cultural groups of African descent have very different statistical outcomes results than inner city African American young men. So an honest person would rule out skin color as driving the result and look for cultural and social factors that influence the results you label as “racist”.

But alas you seem vested in the belief that somehow it is all about skin color. In that sense, you are the bigot using race to explain things when other things seem to point towards a different explanation. I will pray that someday you allow yourself to question that belief and to search for the truth. As for my grandchildren, thank you for praying for them, we can all use prayers…



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