You are right, Biden is not solely responsible for inflation. But as the non-partisan San Francisco Fed and many Democratic economists most notably Larry Somers have pointed out Biden's stimulus bill accounted for around half of the inflation in 2021.
Most of the remainder was due to high energy prices, which then began to leak into food prices and now according to the IMF are triggering higher labor costs. So, yes, other factors have contributed to inflation but government spending which was largely a function of Biden (or at least he takes credit for passing the bills accounted for half of the problem. Given how rapidly the economy had been growing since June of 2020, it made no sense to pass a broad-based spending bill or many of his subsequent spending bills, those are on him... and he takes credit for them.
This highlights two problems. First, Biden was pursuing social policy goals without regard to the inflationary impact and second his advisors were tone deaf to the consequences of ignoring the economic impact of big government spending in a supply constrained economy.
I think Biden could have gotten away with a targeted spending bill to help those truly hurt by Covid, but why give people like me extra money when our business boomed under Covid?
Meanwhile, the spending bills are piling up so fast, that the institutional recipients of the money can't spend it fast enough. Meaning inflation will continue for a while.
Now let's talk about the part of inflation that Biden was less directly responsible for but whose policies have made things worse. I actually agree with Biden's decision to access the strategic oil reserve, sadly it was not paired with a strategy to get as much new fossil fuel supplies on board as fast as possible. So, just as the Keystone Pipeline and other energy projects should be coming on stream, they are not, the strategic oil reserve is down to 40%. This is a real serious problem and strategic blunder. This is where Biden's Green Energy Policy was plain stupid. Not the goal, but the timing. It is one thing to replace fossil fuel with renewable energy, it is another thing to "bet" it will be there and not have alternatives. Then to piss off Saudi Arabia the last means to effectively hold down energy prices, was adding stupid on to dumb. Again, Biden is not responsible for the global energy shortage there are a host of things from Covid to Putin's invasion of Ukraine to the recovering global economies that made that happen, but Biden contributed to the problem by forcing the US on to the global market rather than expanding US supplies.
For a little background, the US is kind of interesting from a global energy demand perspective. Our east and west coasts largely rely on global energy supplies, but the Midwest relies on domestic and Canadian oil. And when it is flowing the price of energy is substantially cheaper in most of the country. You see this in the differential between "West Texas Crude" prices (US) and Brent Oil (Global).
My negative economic outlook is based on the simple fact that economic growth is dependent on increasing productivity and/or increasing labor supply. Under Biden the one positive part of his policies has been a slow recovery in the labor force. While he brags about shrinking unemployment, which is true, it is also true the labor force has not been growing, so the low unemployment (a good thing) does not translate to more goods and services. It is not Biden's fault that people are growing old and retiring, but he has not pursued an economic agenda that promotes productivity instead he increased taxes on businesses and took away accelerated depreciation which is often used to invest in equipment to make people more productive. It sounds good to tax business more, but when you are struggling with supply shortages, it is again a dumb strategy. Not Biden's fault that there are global supply chain problems, but you can help or hurt the situation with your policies and his policies largely hurt them.
Finally, regarding reliance on fossil fuels, I want you to quit fossil fuels cold turkey for the next three weeks... don't use any fossil fuels and don't buy any products that use them. Crazy idea. So, now you understand the Biden's flaw, if you want to get off fossil fuels, you have to manage the transition, that does not create economic chaos. Much of this blame hails back to the Paris Accords, when all these nations agreed to abandon fossil fuels without a plan. Trump bailed on those accords and even though US CO2 emissions decreased under Trump, they did so because it made sense, not because it was being pushed on to the economy.
I transitioned to away from most of my fossil fuel use over the last decade. I use solar panels on my roof to produce enough energy to power my house and two EVs. I use a little natural gas for cooking and hot water. I did so at my pace with no economic hardship. But right now, my state, California is trying to use Biden's approach on steroids and poor people are being hammered (for the good of everyone). They don't own their homes, so they end up paying top dollar electricity. They can't afford electric cars, so they are getting hit with hundreds if not thousands of extra dollars on gasoline. How else could California have done it?
Use the same strategy that was used to increase MPGs on cars. Make new gas fueling cars more expensive than EVs. Over 20 years the vast majority of people will gravitate to EVs when they need a new car. But killing them in the meantime with gas prices almost twice as high as the national average is cruel.
I turned around distressed companies for a living. I was not hired to blame my predecessor for the problems, I was hired to fix the problems. Biden keeps looking for people to blame, but I simply don't see a sound strategy to fix the problem. The closest thing I can figure (which he once uttered and recanted) is that he believes our economy and its people need to go through the brutal process we are going through to get to the other side, whatever that means.