You are confused. Life begins at conception. That is the consensus of both the medical and biological communities and their professional associations. Why deny science?
With life comes human rights. A person who shoots a pregnant woman can be tried for double murder (who do you think the second murder pertains to?) When a pregnant woman is asked whether she has picked out a name for "her baby", she does not respond it isn't a baby... she says yes or no.
Look up the definition of fetus... "an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception." Before 8 weeks, the baby is an embryo. You seem to want to reinvent language to suit your opinions. Let's debate the issue, not invent the facts or language.
Now let me help you with some other relevant terminology...
Personhood is a status granted by the legal system. It is what is behind the debates going on since once a human acquires personhood status, the baby is entitled to protection by the state. So, limits on abortion relate to protecting a baby that has acquired personhood status and thus is entitled to the same rights you have. No one is debating whether babies are human... born or unborn. New York and California are restricting unborn babies' "personhood" rights, they have no right to redefine "human life". Meanwhile, other states are passing very restrictive abortion laws, they also have no right to redefine human life, but they do have a right to define when a baby becomes a person.
Under Roe v Wade, a baby acquired personhood rights when it became viable. Note, even Roe v Wade recognized the unborn baby had rights, it ruled that the mother's rights prevailed over the baby's rights until viability. That is not the same as denying baby is a baby or that it has no rights.
At birth, we acquire citizenship. With citizenship comes additional rights and obligations.
The vast majority of "pro choice" women believe abortion should be limited to the first 15 weeks, and you might not realize that in general men are less inclined to limit abortions than women... so your sexist statement suggesting my views are based on gender is simply deplorable. Let's leave the name-calling to the immature.
If anything, males are more likely to agree with your position than females. See link below:
"Notably, 75 percent of women support the 15-week cut-off or a more restrictive law while 69 percent of men also agree with that timeline."
Not surprisingly, liberal Europe limits elective abortions after 15 weeks in most countries. The problem in America is that debate going on today was cut short by Roe v Wade for 50 years.
Perhaps you should study an issue before you lash out like you did. Abortion is a "rights" issue that involves two people... when such an issue exists, the legislatures have the primary responsibility of determining how to balance those conflicting rights... absent any laws, courts can rule on the case before them.
I do expect some form of elective abortions will be legal in most states and that the cut-off for them will be between 10-15 weeks. I said "elective", since I don't think the Supreme Court would allow a law that prevents abortions when the woman's life is at risk (that would violate her "right to life").