You and your husband are experiencing the effects of progressive liberal policies. California has among the highest unemployment rates in the country. Highest cost of living poverty rates.
And highest homelessness rates, even with the highest tax rates. How do you square the circle? Coincidence?
Companies repeatedly cite the cost of doing business in California as the reason they are leaving. Some move the work overseas; others move the company to another state. But rest assured they are leaving, and the pace is accelerating. California is toast and that is sad.
Check out this link:
👉 Companies Leaving California Since 2020 👈 Here is the list of companies with over 100 employees organized by year: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020.
I am glad you and your husband are making it based on our state entitlements, but how long can the state sustain them. Facing a $70 billion deficit for next year and costs rising faster than revenues, things are going to get bad fast? I did business turnarounds for a career. The things California is doing to sustain current spending will buy time, but what is the turnaround plan. What will cause investors to plow money into California to create jobs?
The national economy is starting to slow down (today's growth number was gut wrenching). And that means companies will likely invest only where they can earn a good return.
Socialism does not work and has never worked. I hope your husband finds work, but if not, seriously consider leaving sooner than later by applying for jobs out of state. Hopefully, he can find a work from home job, like my son in law, who works in Minnesota for a group in DC.
The federal government is racking up a trillion in debt every 100 days. The state has hit the wall. Over the last four years progressive liberals have controlled Washington and since Newsom took office, they have controlled California.
Forget your ideology for one moment and look at the reality... if progressive liberal ideology worked, things should be getting better, especially in California but they are not. Pelosi used the Covid pandemic to shuffle billions of dollars to California that prevented the disaster we are now facing until after she lost her speakership.
As for racism, the antisemitism by the left pretty much shows where they stand on racism. And when it comes to the rich, I encourage you to do your "homework", the rich are backing Biden not Trump. The billionaires supported Hillary in 2016 by 7 points and Biden by 8 points. More importantly, those Democratic billionaires spend hundreds of millions of dollars putting Biden in office. The rich are not backing Democrats because they believe Democrats will make them poor. Think about that.