Yes the vast majority of people believe abortions should be legal when medically necessary (only a very few argue against this). But a vast majority also believe elective abortions should be limited after the first trimester.
I believe after the various states are done passing their laws pertaining to abortion and those laws go through the process of judicial appeal, abortions will be legal in most states but they will be limited.
My best bet is that "elective abortions" will be limited in most states to the first trimester. Medically necessary abortions will be legal everywhere.
I am not "anti abortion", but like the vast majority of Americans I believe they should be limited. My preference is they be limited to when medically necessary or to the period prior to the unborn baby attaining "fetus" status.
The horror of a baby having its skull crushed and then being torn apart to fit through a woman's vagina and then being reassembled like a jig saw puzzle to insure all the parts have been extracted, would largely sell those who "ideologically" support abortion to rethink their position.