Wow. When people begin to think the media is supposed to "shill" for the President, they have totally missed the reason the Founding Fathers establish the right of "free press".
The Founding Fathers thought the primary purpose of giving the press that unique "right" was to insure they were critical of the government and to function as a watchdog over all that the government did.
Presently, only the conservative press is really doing their job (albeit with bias). Yet you criticize them for doing that. Under Trump the mainstream media did their job (again with bias). But "bias" or not, if you are not reading about all the things your government is doing wrong on a regular basis in the press, then you need to find another news source.
I am not anti-government, but just as we have many government agencies keeping watch over every sector of our economy, the Founding Fathers thought it critically important that some institution take it as their mandate to criticize government.
Regarding "greed"
You are a consumer, so how often do you buy the higher priced item because the company that manufacturers stocks plenty of inventory in case of a backup in the supply chain. Are you greedy, when you buy the cheaper product?
Manufacturing overseas driven by consumers, who want better products for lower prices. When Trump slapped tariffs on imported steel, the mainstream media howled like a wounded pack of wolves about the impact of those policies on consumer wallets. US companies would love to manufacture in the US if they can be be protected from lower prices of goods produced overseas... but do you really think consumers will stand for that?
Regarding vaccine patents. Don't be so quick to presume corporate greed.
The issue was a bit more complex. It is not easy to manufacture these new mRNA vaccines. So, releasing the patent would not have resulted in any sudden increase in supply. The initial noise by the Biden administration that they were going to do so was grounded in ignorance on their part.
The mRNA vaccines are not the same a "dead virus" or "weakened virus" or "harmless virus" vaccines like those used for other vaccines. Would you have wanted a vaccine produced at a facility with no experience in the field?
The J&J vaccine is a bit easier to produce since it is a "viral vector" vaccine. These use a harmless virus which can easily be massed produced and converted to vaccines in factory with the proper equipment to produce vaccines. The harmless virus in the J&J vaccine delivers the information needed for the body to build a response to the spike protein present in the Covid virus. A very different technology that is closer to existing vaccine technology.
Regarding Biden's policy failures, it is hard to argue with the results. Which is high inflation, high energy costs, global instability, surging crime, etc. Not everything he touched has been terrible, but the aggregate impact of his policies and time in office is best expressed by how people respond to the question are you better off than you were before Covid (the base line). And the answer is "no" for most Americans.