Women came forward with Kavanaugh. None of those cases was ever proven. Ford couldn't remember where or when or who else was at the party, but somehow she was certain about only one thing... Kavanaugh. Possible, but what a stretch to destroy someone's career over.
That is why we have due process.
Attacking someone when they run for office without time to prove or disprove an assertion has all sorts of problems associated with it including the failure of due process.
Look at the attacks against Warnock, driving his wife over with a car, obstructing justice, evicting people and making them homeless. If these allegations are true, is he really of better moral character. Should we assume they are true, because they have been alleged?
Looking at the "crimes"... adulterous behavior (Bill Clinton, JFK, Roosevelt, Trump) has never stopped people from becoming President, so why should it matter in a Senate election. Paying for an abortion, seems to be a reason Democrats would support Walker, don't they want abortions?
I wonder how Democrat can vote for Warnock. Do they support obstruction of justice, driving women over with cars, or making people homeless?
Once again, when you look at both sides, you wonder if attacking Walker is a "hack job", since the attackers don't seem to use the same criteria on Democrats.
For me again, I think Walker is going to vote for policies I support, and Warnock is going to vote against policies I support. And because I believe policies will help far more people regardless of the character of the two opponents, it is more important to stay focused on the issues and which candidate is most likely going to support those policies you think will make the country better or worse.
It is bad enough that Warnock made people homeless, but far worse if he votes for policies that make thousands of people homeless.
Don't you think?
Rasmussen Reports
Rasmussen Recent Poll
Over the last 2 years, has homelessness gotten better or worse?
Better / Worse
All - 8% / 68%
Rep - 6% / 79%
Dem - 15% / 56%
Ind - 2% / 71%