Michael F Schundler
2 min readDec 30, 2019


Without all the disparaging biased remarks, the question over whether the Senate is About to Abolish Impeachment… is easily answered… “no”.

Instead, the message is that “Impeachment” is an extreme response reserved for when the American people feel the President threatens our democratic republic to such a degree, that they cannot wait until the next election to express their will (not Congress’s will).

Think carefully about that… The Founding Fathers did not make the President accountable to Congress but rather the Founding Fathers made the President accountable to the people. It is their decision and not Congress’s decision to remove a President prematurely. Congress is only their tool for doing so. And so the super majority provisions of the Senate to support impeachment is designed as a control over political bias alone to remove a sitting President. Thank God for the wisdom of these men.

The President was intended to be independent of Congress which is why the people and not Congress elect the President through the representative system reflected in the electoral college. It also explains why so often the President is not a member of the party in control of Congress.

Yet if the vast majority of Americans including those who elected the President felt the country endangered by the President, the Founding Fathers were wise enough to include a provision through which those that voted for the President and those who were opposed to him from the beginning could if they constituted an overwhelming number of American citizens call for the removal of the President before a normal election could occur.

The Founding Fathers also realized that an effective President could make mistakes or even pursue unpopular actions that would cause the President to fall out of favor with a simple majority of Americans. That was not enough to overturn an election. It was obvious to these brilliant writers of our Constitution that the easy replacement of President would lend itself to extreme partisanship and populism at the expense of more rationale decision making and leadership.

Nancy Pelosi in one of her moment of clarity expressed the intent of the impeachment provision, when she said any attempt to impeach the President without strong bipartisan support would fail. Now revisit the original statement… “Is the Senate about to abolish Impeachment”… and replace it with… Is this impeachment another example of the clear thinking of the Founding Fathers to leave the People and not the Congress in charge of who is their elected President? The answer is a resounding “yes”!



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