Michael F Schundler
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


Why do you believe what you believe?

First, science points to a "Creator". Of all the "Creation" theories, none of them, can explain the origin of matter and energy without a supernatural power, since matter and energy cannot create itself, it can transform, but not originate.

So, given there is a Creator, does that Creator have cognizance? Given the order of the universe and the complex physics of it, again it seems far easier to believe that "cognizance" was involved than randomness. So, I would find it harder to believe there was no God, than believing there is one. It is hard to be an atheist, you have to take so much on "faith".

Now if there is a cognizant, God, would that God choose to communicate with His creation. Again, seems logical. My dog is far less intelligent than a human, but I still talk to her. So again, the idea that a Creator would interact with His creation does not seem that difficult to believe, again I find the believe of Deists more difficult to believe, that the Creator created the universe and then went on to other things. Certainly possible, but it just does not seem to fit history.

So, now we come down to the toughest question, would a supernatural being have any desire to have a "special relationship" with humans. Again, my sense is "yes", it seems so based on the Bible and all the other religious texts in the world. Why would so many texts speak of encounters with God, if there were not God. Call it the preponderance of evidence theory.

Everywhere on the globe, humans claim to have encountered God. If no God existed, one would think parts of the world would not have developed a religion, if God were not interacting with us, we should expect most of the world to have been atheists. But atheism seems to follow the desire not to be accountable to a superior being rather than any science.

If you are convinced there is a cognitive God who desires a relationship with His Creation, then what is the best source to find out how and what that relationship should be.

And that is the hard part. I believe the Bible is the best source. I don't totally discount other religious texts as I expect God has sought relationships with humans everywhere they reside. But God is complex, and it is impossible for anyone to fully comprehend Him and so we are left with our religious books that point the way to Him. Even using the same "Book" we have hundreds of denominations that have arisen because they can't agree what the Bible means.

But if you seek God, you will find Him. And you might not get all the details right, but by the time you die, God will know whether you wish to spend an eternity with Him or without Him. And it really is that simple. I think the Bible is a good place to learn about God, but beware anyone that says they have all the answers.



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