Who should we fear… the Russians, the Chinese or the Super Rich

Michael F Schundler
2 min readAug 21, 2019


While the media showcased the Mueller investigation and the interference by Russia in US elections, it spent far less time and effort showcasing its own interference in our elections. But who should we fear more? Who really has the power to manipulate election outcomes today. Arguably, its the same media and pseudo media outlets largely controlled by the super rich, that are manipulating our elections far more than foreign countries.

As the press hounds the Trump administration about what they will do to prevent future Russian meddling (tending to forget it actually happened under Obama’s watch), they seem to ignore their role in meddling. Watch this video about how the super rich who control most of the main sources by which Americans get their news are manipulating us. I respect this individual greatly because while I suspect I disagree with his political views, I agree with him that preserving the integrity of the election process is far more important than the political ideologies of the moment.


I also agree with him because I have used Google’s search engine to see how articles are presented to me and what their slant is. It is clear there is an anti conservative slant to the algorithms in their search engine results. If you are a liberal should that concern you. Yes. Why? Because the same engine that is supporting liberal ideologies is supporting greater central government control of the economy.

Civil liberties depends on economic and political freedom. Without political and economic freedom they do not exist. If you were out to take control of a democratic and capitalistic nation like the US, you would have to start off by preserving the facade of political independence. Instead you would aim to make just enough people dependent on the government to insure control over elections? You would couple that control with an attack on those civil liberties which people seem prepared to part with in exchange for greater safety and security?

Once the people were accustomed to less economic independence, less political influence, and fewer civil liberties, then the wealthy could rule the masses simply be providing them just enough to keep them from revolting. Sounds far fetched, but who controls Europe today… the elected officials of each country or the appointed bureaucrats of the EU. Who is England fighting with for greater self determination under Brexit, the individual countries of Europe or the bureaucrats of the EU? Who elected these EU bureaucrats? (Answer: no one).

The European “Commissioners are proposed by the Council of the European Union, on the basis of suggestions made by the national governments, and then appointed by the European Council after the approval of the European Parliament.”

Time to rethink who should we really fear?



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