Which black rallies did police break up in the last 30 years?
However, before answering, let's describe the differences between rallies, protests, and illegal trespassing. Since your narrative seems to confuse them.
Rallies are a legally organized activity where one or more speakers present their views.
Protests are a legal gathering of people in a public space for the purpose of making their individual or collective points of view known.
When protests move beyond the peaceful expression of one's point of view to violence against other individuals or damage against property, you have a mob or a riot. Both are illegal. They can also be illegal if they block traffic. Being heard is not the same "hurting others".
On January 6th predominantly whites attended a rally and to protest in Washington. The rally involved listening to speakers including Trump and protest including marching to the Capitol. So far, all legal.
However, a small subset of predominantly white protestors marched down to the Capitol and stormed the building and inflicted damage to the property. That activity would classify those people as both a mob or a riot... and guess what... they were prosecuted... skin color did not matter? One of the crimes they were charged with was trespassing.
Recently, people have come on to private university campuses to "protest" without permission and were told to leave and didn't... at that point it becomes trespassing.
If they interfere with students attending classes, break into buildings, deface buildings, they have committed a tort (crime). If they resist arrest, they are subject to another crime.
Now let's look at your West Virgina example. I think any form of racism is deplorable. The only value in my mind of the racist march is to remind us that racism is real, whether directed at blacks, Jews, or even Whites.
But racism is not a crime. Free speech even racist speech is not a crime. Acting on one's racist views can be a crime. It can escalate a routine crime to a "hate" crime. Discrimination even without physically injuring someone can be a crime. I support these laws. A "free" society cannot outlaw racism, but we can make it a crime to hurt others.
Trespassing is crime. Destruction of property is a crime. If the West Virgina racists violated the law, I hope they get prosecuted. From all reports the march was peaceful. So, what do you think police should do when a racist group holds a "march"?
During the BLM movement, a few hundred protestors came from out of town to march through my town. They were told, they were completely free to march down our two busiest streets (we only have two main streets through our downtown), tying up traffic. They were told any property damage would lead to immediate arrest.
They marched peacefully through our town receiving mostly positive support and some negative responses. At the end of their 2-mile march, they loaded on to the busses that they arrived on and returned to their homes.
They got to express themselves and people lining the street heard them. When people refer to "mostly peaceful protests", the important word is not "peaceful", it is mostly. If five thousand people gather and fifty of them start striking others with baseball bats, it is mostly peaceful. 99% of the people are peacefully protesting. But I would argue 50 people have undermined the group and in that instance the group should disperse, so the police can arrest the 50 and come back another day.
More importantly, the 4950 peaceful protestors should identify the 50 who violated the "trust" of the group and put a "stain" on their gathering.
Police act on orders. Usually coming from the mayor.
So, using the proper definition of rallies, protests, mobs, and riots, which black protests have police intervened in and which white mobs or riots have they failed to intervene in. I will be the first to acknowledge that growing up police failed in their duty, but these days with the world watching, if anything the police have been "late to the party" in acting to stop violence and rioting.
The recent violence between Jewish and antisemitic people at UCLA is an embarrassment to the police, the mayor of LA and our governor. They should all resign in disgrace. The number one job of government is to protect its citizens... everyone including blacks and jews. We are a free country... a citizen can spew filth, but act on it... and you should be locked up.