When you ignore reality, it is quite simple to see how you came to the conclusion you did. For the first time in a long time, Republicans won the "popular" vote nationwide (in off year elections, you use the cumulative House votes to measure this).
In other words, Trump's policies are increasing in popularity even as Trump himself appears to be less popular. Another measure of this trend is DeSantis won Florida by a greater margin than Newsom won California.
Perhaps the real story of the "House" election is the power of gerrymandering. This is the first election after all the new districts were redrawn and it appears the statisticians for both sides did an excellent job of disenfranchising voters for more than any "voter suppression" noise made by Democrats. Again, this was done by both sides, but in the face of record voting, the power of gerrymandering is that practically speaking fewer seats are "up for grabs".
The Senate election however it turns out will be within one seat of expectations by most pollsters before some got carried away with the polling info in late October and early November (when millions of votes around the country had already been cast).
But I am glad to see people make false conclusions about the results. It will make 2024 easier. The Republicans will take away they need to fine tune their messaging and Biden will take away nothing.