Michael F Schundler
2 min readMay 21, 2024


When the previous Speaker of the House argued that ordinary citizens are too stupid to make intelligent decisions and so in the name of democracy, we need to limit their ability to express their opinions, we are truly in danger. See links below:

It is pretty simple, either you trust the American people to do the right thing, or you don't. You can't say, you only trust the half that agrees with you.

If you act to block those with whom you agree from expressing their opinions or electing their choices to government, you are saying you don't believe in democracy.

I for one trust the American people to do the right thing as long as we preserve the process that allows Americans to change their minds and opinions.

My concern is progressive liberals keep exploring ways to prevent those they don't agree with from exercising their beliefs or reversing the direction America is taking.

Regarding the Supreme Court. It should be noted that the Supreme Court exists in part to protect us from democracy. Our country is grounded on two principles... majority rules and minority rights. A pure democracy is prone to trample on human rights.

The House, Senate, and Presidency are largely directly or indirectly tied to the will of the people and have an important role in the legislative process. No law becomes law without the authority of the Congress and most laws require the signature of the President.

That leaves the Supreme Court as the ultimate defender of individual rights against majority rules. The issue is not who reversed Roe v Wade, but how did it come to pass that a branch of government empowered to protect the rights of individuals including women and unborn babies was put in the position of "making laws about abortion"? The Supreme Court does not have that power. It creates a clear conflict, when a body in charge of protecting the rights of women and unborn babies are put in charge of crafting the law instead of ruling on its constitutionality.

Why bother with a Congress, if the Supreme Court gets to make the law? Remember, the Supreme Court did not rule against Congress, it merely pointed out, it had exceeded its authority. That seems commendable. What seems insane, that politicians in Congress are to business impeaching people that won't get impeached, that they have no time to do their jobs and pass legislation to resolve issues like abortion.





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