When Gina's co star used a similar parallel to Nazi Germany when describing US border policy, why wasn't he fired. Was the Nazi comparison more appropriate... no. It is never appropriate and if Disney found using Nazi comparisons inappropriate, then it should be consistent about it and make that clear in its policies. When you choose when such comparisons are appropriate with regard to politics, then you are in fact censoring and suppressing free speech.
Furthermore, have you looked at what she said. It was not "bigoted". Interesting Ben Shapiro a well known orthodox Jewish podcast broadcaster would be one of the first to say it was bigoted instead like me he simply thinks any analogy to the Nazis is in bad taste and wish the left would learn that. Equating the US to Nazis show ignorance and bad taste.
Nothing shows that bad taste more than the repeated and persistent comparisons of Trump with Hitler and his administration with the Nazis. So I hope the left embraces this newly discoverable contempt for Nazi comparisons and applies it to "their own".
Where was the outrage when AOC compared detention centers to concentration camps... has she ever visited one of those sites in Germany, has she viewed films of what the allies found when they liberated the Jews from them? Is she clueless or simply tasteless? Your choice...
But I think the point Gina was making is that autocratic brutal governments rely on people turning on their neighbors to control their populations. The polarization of America is leading us in that direction. We need to learn how to engage in political discourse without the "hate" that seems to go along with it.
Free speech means protecting offensive speech. Who needs to protect speech that doesn't offend anyone? Isn't that a bit of an oxymoron. Should Trump have censored any speech he found "offensive"?
No one in this country is "entitled" not to be offended. I am sorry if you want a "free country" then you have to accept the fact that you will be repeatedly offended by what people say. But the good news is you get to "offend" them back... and most likely you do without even knowing it...
I think the case law is yet to be worked out, but while an employer is well within their right to fire someone for "their speech" on company time, I think when companies begin to suppress or censor "political speech" by employees/contractors/suppliers on their own time, it just might be seen as an extension of government using its influence both financial and regulatory to punish people that criticize it.