When an ideology embraces identity politics and "equity", it loses its sense of tolerance, individualism, human and civil rights, and all the other core values that built America into the most powerful nation in the world, not only economically and militarily, but the country where people from all over the world sought shelter from discrimination and oppression.
Identity politics always leads to an "us vs them" approach. Sociologists will tell you that this is "tribalism" and results in "them" being "dehumanized" to justify violence. Look at the October 7th attack by Hamas. Raping women, killing babies, and taking "slaves" was justified since the Jews were not seen as fellow human beings but some other "species" deserving of being slaughtered.
Combine the idea of identity groups with a concept of equity of outcomes and soon you have a society which takes away someone's rights, property, and freedoms to achieve a "fair outcome". But what did that individual do to deserve losing something that belongs to them? The most perverse part of this latter ideology is it never works out as "equitable". What nation on earth that preaches equity of outcomes actually operates that way. Equity of outcome is "code" for the centralized allocation of goods and services by an "elite" group rather than the marketplace.
This allocation shifts power in society from those who "create goods and services" towards those who allocate it.
MLK preached a vision where each individual could realize their full potential to create and prosper from their talents rather than be discriminated against based on the color of their skin. If you believe in this vision vote Republican.
Malcolm X preached a vision where powerful people representing identity groups would negotiate power, wealth, and income allocations. Such a system by definition requires an all-powerful government overseen by an elite group of people to fix society's tendency to reward merit on an individual basis.
History teaches that no matter how much this approach appeals to people, the elite group ends up being corrupted by their power. However, if you have faith this time is different, vote Democrat.
The election is about party ideology not Trump vs Biden. I was a JFK classical liberal Democrat, but for now the Democratic party is infected with progressive liberalism which is anchored in ideologies inconsistent with American's most important core values. The antisemitism by members of Congress and college faculties are a symptom of this infection. Until the party rejects these people, the Democratic party does not deserve our vote.
The Republican party is not without its issues, but those groups exercise little influence over the party's platform and policies. So, I will vote Republican, till the Democratic party returns to the party of the 60s and resumes fighting for the rights of individuals and not trying to run the country as a collection of identity groups.