What About Everyone Else?
I think the reason Trump won in November is that the “elite” have always regarded those people they don’t feel are “worthy” of them as “deplorable” or “garbage”. They understand in a democracy, that they must cater enough to the masses to secure their vote so they can hold political power, but they never really view them as more than “useful idiots” to be manipulated.
The truth is that most Americans today don’t have college degrees. They don’t work in jobs that are insulated from illegal immigrants competing for them or employers outsourcing their job to a third world country. So, while the “elite” either in the form of Republican Neocons and more recently the Democrat Progressives expound on how they would create Nirvana, they really mean how they would create Nirvana for themselves.
Those pesky masses who keep demanding individual freedom and rights and expect their government to protect them physically and protect their jobs from “globalism” are “the problem”. When Trump arrived on the scene and ran for President, he toppled the control the NeoCons had on the Republican party. There simply were not enough “elites” to prevent him from getting the nomination. Trump’s America first policies resonated with working Americans and in no time, he went from someone that Republicans joked about to their nominee.
And then it was the Democrats turn. Both parties rely on poor and middle-class voters to win, but to a large extent both parties are controlled by wealthy donors, politicians, academics, and media moguls. Trump’s appeal to workers crossed over and reached Democrats and “the great migration” began. Blind-sided in 2016, the elitists mounted an effective counterattack against Trump in 2020 thanks to the pandemic and their ability to hang the Covid pandemic on him.
But by 2024, the pandemic was over, and the “great migration resumed” … more and more elitist Republicans joined the Democrats and eventually you had people like Liz Cheney campaigning for Kamala Harris. Meanwhile, you had Democratic wage workers crossing over to the Republican party and unions endorsing Trump and declining to endorse Harris.
While there are certainly some people who are perfectly happy living in generational poverty as long as the government social safety net is robust enough to house them, feed them, and provide for their basic needs, I think the vast majority of “everyone else” wants to contribute to society by working. They want to earn their wages so they can support their families and feel good about the contributions they are making to society.
The elite have always used a divide and conquer strategy to win. Whether grounded in race, ethnicity, gender, etc. The elite rely on division to win, because there are so many more workers than elite members of our society. So, if workers can remain committed to an America first ideology, that focuses on creating jobs, increasing wages, and slow and steady economic growth, then “everyone else” can look forward to a brighter future. However, expect the “elite” to continue to try to use race, religion, gender, ethnicity, and a host of other tools to divide them.
It should be an intersting next four years.