We are so blessed in this country having someone like Thomas Sowell to call this unfounded belief that America is a racist country simply nonsense... thank you Thomas Sowell for speaking truth... He goes on farther to say... "Racism is not dead. But it is on life-support, kept alive mainly by the people who use it for an excuse or to keep miniorty communities fearful or resentful enough to turn out as a voting bloc on election day.
Maybe its time to end all this talk about racism and instead focus on celebrating diversity. My wife and I our five children and their spouses and six grandchildren reflect America today. Six white, four African American, one Asian, two Asian American, one African, and one Haitian American. This diversity in one family and we are not unique or special or particularly different! In fact, we are becoming the norm. This is America today... let's acknowledge that and keep striving in that direction and not let identity politics being promoted by people push us apart.
It is getting so hard to say America is "racist" with a straight face, that now we are having to redefine the word.