Violence vs Justice
What is the difference between violence and justice? Sadly, many Americans are confused because of the language of our leaders, the media, and even Hollywood. They think violence and justice are the same thing as long as the target of that violence is someone they dislike.
If you find yourself saying when someone is attacked because of the color of their skin or their political ideology, that they got “justice”. Then you are the problem. If you think people who hold different political views then you do deserve to have their speeches interrupted by hecklers, their businesses boycotted, their homes picketed, or their characters “assassinated”, then you are the problem. If you find yourself thinking that some people do not deserve the same civil rights you have because their ideology is corrupt or perverse, then you are the problem.
You may not be the one committing the acts of violence, but you are the audience. Many “mass murderers” see themselves as “martyrs” for their cause. That perception arises from the idea that committing acts of violence are in fact acts of “justice”. If small acts of “justice” like invading someone’s privacy at home are good, then how much better are more brutal “acts of justice”. For you there may be a line you don’t cross, but for others no such line exists. So condemning acts of violence by those who share the same ideology is important. Condemning acts of violence by those who hold different ideologies is less meaningful.
One way perhaps to embrace this idea is to embrace a simple concept… “Our country depends on a diversity of thought, just as we benefit from a diversity of race, religion, culture, and styles. Diversity is important in every form including thought. Diversity of thought does not mean you don’t find some ideas repulsive or disgusting. But it does mean you reject the use of violence to curb those ideas. Think about it… do you support the diversity of ideas… or are you a supporter of violence against ideas you do not agree with…
True civil liberty involves tolerance… when tolerance is hard. No matter what others say, tolerance is not acceptance… it is the critical ingredient that makes a democracy work by preventing it from turning into tyranny by the “masses”.