Very surprised at your list of questions... wouldn't occur to me to ask them based on your skin color.
One of them I do ask on occasion... I do ask people where they are from but not because of their skin color. Instead, when I "hear" a unique accent it makes me curious. I am always interested in hearing about life in other places and an accent gives away that the person comes from somewhere else. I do that with people of all races, so hard to think that is racist. I can't wait till this Covid thing is over and I can begin traveling the world again.
While I have been told by African Americans that white men can't dance (a racist, but true comment in my case), I have never assumed the opposite. The other stuff seems silly... I am not saying some people don't think that when they see your skin color, but it comes under the general category of don't judge a book by its cover.
One comment regarding "hair". It has been more than 30 years since people commented on my hair. I miss it. Not the comments... my hair!