Umair Haque,
Interested on your perspective of how slavery has impacted Pakistan, since you have such strong feelings about its impact on America. As you know slavery and "bonded" labor existed in Pakistan through 1995. It continues to turn a blind eye towards forced marriage and the exploitation of child labor.
What do you attribute these cultural deficiencies to. How is it possible that the Pakistani culture, people, and government would accept such arrangements long after the western world abandoned these things?
You seem to preach the "doom" of America but relative to places like China, Pakistan, and many other nations we are a relative paradise. What in our culture gave us the strength to reject things that other cultures continue to accept.
I have known many wonderful intelligent Pakistanis from various provinces in Pakistan. There is much to admire in people from Pakistan and some of their traditions, foods, and skills are things to admire. But you seem to make constant observations on Americans and our culture, but have you ever lived here and how long?
As someone of Pakistani heritage, you must have been exposed to the Pakistani culture and way of thinking that might shed light on why the Pakistani people accepted institutions for decades longer than America and what that portends for the country.