Michael F Schundler
2 min readMay 16, 2022


Trying to make a long argument that somehow Republicans are better than Liberals at politics based on Supreme Court appointments is kind of lame. The swing votes on the Supreme Court are not conservatives but Constitutionalists, those things are quite different. And most of premise falls apart from that point forward.

When conservative or liberal activists judges attempt to make arguments not grounded in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, they set up those rulings to be reversed in the future. Precedence is no substitute for Constitutionality.

You also make clear you don't understand the Constitution or the facts, when you say things like "most Americans disagree with efforts to further restrict women's ability to have abortions". That statement summarizes how flawed your whole argument is.

First, the Constitution doesn't care what the majority thinks, in fact, quite the opposite. The Constitution was designed to protect individuals, minorities, and states from the majority states (or the Federal government) using government to impose their ideology on all citizens.

The second part of your argument also needs a bit of updating. Recent polls show the vast majority including 60% of pro-choice women want abortions limited after the first 13 weeks unless the mother's life is in danger. On that basis, Roe v Wade is obsolete.

You also cleverly use the phrase "murdering a person" because you are aware even in the first trimester according to science, human life begins at conception, whereas "person" is a legal definition.

Many bio-ethicists like Peter Singer have argued that the presence of a baby inside or outside of the womb does not change the moral argument concerning a human's right to life. In effect, every moral and ethical argument for abortion where either the mother's or baby's life is not at risk fails at some point.

That is why, under Roe v Wade, the SCOTUS made no attempt to morally argue for abortion but rather simply said it was legal up to a point based on its ruling of the relative rights of the baby and the mother.

Bottom line, the Supreme Court is likely to strike down Roe v Wade. The states are going to pass their own laws. Some will be more expansive than the current law and some will be more restrictive. But none will change the science, that life begins at conception, instead each state will need to decide when the taking of an unborn babies life is legal. And trying to pretend the unborn baby is anything other than a human is simply delusional.



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