Michael F Schundler
2 min readSep 23, 2022


Trickle down is another attempt by government to manage the economy instead of letting businesses focus at producing products and services that satisfy consumers.

It turns out that both trickle down and trickle up policies don't work because of globalism. Instead of the money trickling up or down, it simply leaks out to the rest of the world.

The new paradigm is about creating jobs, wage growth, and economic growth by having things made in America by American workers. Another area where Trump was insightful in spite of his obnoxious personality and Biden is totally wrong along with the progressive liberals.

Entitlements don't really work because they don't make things, simply shuffles them around in a way that causes the people who make things to feel cheated and others to want more. Over time that sucks the life out of the economy and there is less and less to re-distribute, making those who were receiving these redistributions angry. So, then governments respond by printing money which provides the illusion of government helping till people find out, the money doesn't buy anything.

And therein lies the problem of trying to overuse the economy to achieve social goals. You end up killing the "goose". If you can figure out a way to have government redistribute goods (take away from some to give to others) and still grow jobs, grow "real" wages, and grow the economy, then more power to you, we should go there... but that is not the case with Biden's policies...

Three telltale signs that you have screwed up the economy.

1) inflation... every country where government interferes to much with its private sector economy experiences inflation.

2) growth under 2%, and negative growth is the ultimate killer, it means you have less and less to distribute. When people start making excuses for why the economy is not growing, you are in trouble.

3) declining job growth. We have had that for around 9 months now. This is the last domino to fall and yesterday Powell predicted unemployment would rise to over 4% (less biased economists predict 6%) in the next two years. Normally, those are not good, but not disastrous numbers, but given a short time ago we had twice as many unfilled jobs as people looking for work, it is huge.

You can like Biden's social policies, but if they produce the three telltale signs then you are headed for a real deep economic recession where the poor get hurt the most. Happens 100% of the time.

No matter how much it pisses people off, you need to keep the economic engine chugging or its game over.



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