Michael F Schundler
2 min readDec 3, 2019


This really is hogwash. If a coup is underway, it is a bureaucratic coup attempt by the Democrats to remove an elected President on any pretense they can come up with. More importantly, unlike the Democrats, the Republicans do not trade in “politically correct” speech or demand newspapers to apologize for covering opponents.

Just because you do not agree with the political policies of the other party does not justify declaring a coup… for a coup to occur there should be evidence of the following:

  1. a serious attempt to suppress free speech through violence (just look around at college campuses and its clear which group is attempting to suppress free speech)
  2. a serious attempt to restrict media outlets from expressing their opinion (given 93% of media reporting has been anti-Trump this does not appear to be happening)
  3. attempts to reverse the results of elections (again guess who is doing that)
  4. attempts to change the governance process (which party has proposed to change the Constitution and the make up of the Supreme Court?)
  5. attempts to limit the ability of the public to oppose a takeover of government by removing arms from the people (again which party is attempting to do that?)
  6. attempts to funnel more of the economy through government and to increase the dependence of the public on government entitlements (again which party is attempting to do that?)

Bottom line, it is fine to say you hate every policy the Republicans have proposed, it is fine to say you have a strong dislike for Trump, but it is simply hogwash to suggest because of your feelings that Republicans are trying to orchestrate a coup. But if you are seriously concerned about any party seizing to much power, let me encourage you to always vote the party out of power, this constant changing of government helps insure no party remains in power long enough to enact the things you fear… remember nothing causes a politician to view the country differently than the real possibility their status may become that of an ordinary citizen in the near future…



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