This piece comes across more as wishful thinking. You have totally missed the real movement in the Republican party by confusing the party with some outliers... much as Republican paint the Democrats as all different versions of "the Squad".
So now let's look at reality...
1) The diversity within the Republican party is expanding at an exponential rate. In the last election, the share of the Hispanic vote and African vote won by the Republican party was at near record levels. And virtually every new Republican seat in Congress was won by a woman, minority, or veteran. Where the Republicans lost traction was with white women voters... largely due to Trump's personality since polls show most white women more closely align with the bread and butter issues that the Republicans are known for.
2) Now lets take another cut. The Republican party went a long way to solidify its growing support among union members, blue collar workers, farmers, and small business owners. In other words, middle class America. The Democrats made big in roads among the super wealthy and held on to the urban poor vote. While the wealthy is a powerful group that can fuel elections with big dollar donations (something Democrats declared unAmerican just a few years ago), the strength of the Democratic party is the urban poor vote. Look at the voting map by county in 2020 and it becomes painfully obvious how concentrated the Democratic vote is by how few countries they won.
Now the urban poor vote isn't going anywhere... and so Democrats are likely to retain control as they have over America's largest urban areas for the foreseeable future. But what is far from clear is that as people flee the cities due to the recent riots, Covid, and loss of jobs, how will they vote in the future... Democrats are clearly scared and so they are working like crazy to create 11 million more "urban poor" voters through immigration reform.
Absent that Democrats are in for a real challenge in 2022 mid terms. With regard to the urban poor, the Republicans are targeting three key issues that the Democrats have show poor judgement on...
1) inner city school choice... Democrats are wed to the teacher's union, that vehemently opposes school choice. This is causing inner city moms that care about education towards the Republican party.
2) jobs... Trump policies created jobs... Biden's so far has eliminated jobs and replaced it with stimulus packages... stimulus has limits... and when the money runs out... those inner city families that remember what it was like to have jobs that are now gone, will begin to blame Biden... just like Californians are blaming our Democratic governor and a recall vote is likely.
3) religion... the left is more and more attacking religious values. The poor especially recent immigrants tend to be more religious than the average American and their "churches" play a more important part in their lives.
These three issues are unlikely to move enough of the vote to influence local elections, but they could produce a new "swing vote" in "swing states" for Senate and Presidential elections.
The Democrats in less than three weeks have already alienated millions of those that voted for Biden. Remember, Republicans and Democrats don't decide elections... independents do. Many of the people I talk to that voted for Biden feel betrayed by his rash of executive orders and his total disregard for the bipartisanship he promised to use to "heal the nation". This will come back to bite Democrats.
The Republican party made some very important changes under Trump's leadership that are very attractive to independent voters... but at the same time Trump's personality alienated many independent voters... separate Trump's policies from his personality... and Democrats will face some serious challenges.
In contrast, without Trump, the differences between moderates like Joe Manchin and progressive liberals like Kamala Harris, who recently undermined Manchin with her trip to West Virginia. These rifts could create a very serious divide in the Democratic party. Both Manchin and Sinema come from conservative states and ran on being centrists. Manchin is getting pretty irritated with the Democrat party as their policies are likely to hurt voters in his state. Push him a bit harder and he may change sides.