These days it appears lying is prerequisite for holding public office. So, are you saying lying qualifies Walker to be a Senator?
Which politician in office presently do you think has never lied? Did you vote for Biden given how many times he has lied?
A professor at Duke University concluded that lying seems to be a necessary skill in Washington.
"The reason that people want their politicians to lie them is that people care about politics,” said Dan Ariely, a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University.
“You understand that Washington is a dirty place and that lying is actually very helpful to get your policies implemented.”"
Perhaps that is why the famous saying that the way to tell if a politician is lying is if their lips are moving. This joke is more than 60 years old.
So, if lying is so universal and accepted by politicians, why not simply vote for the candidate, that is most likely going to support the policies you support? Anyone getting suckered into voting for a politician because they think the "other guy lied" is a fool... voting for liar won't hurt you nearly as much as voting for someone who votes for policies that hurt you and your family.
But if all politicians lie, how can you figure out which one will vote for policies you support. Well at this point, it is pretty clear, that politicians vote according to party most of the time. So, look at the policies being advocated by each party and make your choice.