Michael F Schundler
3 min readOct 14, 2020


There no doubt that Democrats facing the same situation as Republicans would have done the same thing... proof is they have done so in 100% of the cases for almost 150 years. Likewise in 2016 the Republican Senate did what both parties have done since the 1900s. Arguing that either party was wrong following identical practices is just "sour grapes". As Ginsberg said, Presidents are elected for four years and not three.

Barrett represents the kind of feminist, I want my four daughters to aspire to be. A woman of faith, family, and accomplishment. An individualist who decides what is right for her with respect to personal decisions and a woman that respects the role of a judge to rule on the Constitutionality of a case and not use her position for what it was not intended to make law or advance one group over another.

If judges "make" law, then why have elected Congressional representatives. I have zero doubt, that if Congress passes Constitutional laws even if those laws are championed by Democrats in Congress, that Barrett will uphold them... and if Republicans pass laws in Congress that are not Constitutional, Barrett will reject them.

Time to admire a woman of principle, rather than telling her how she should think and calling her names because she thinks for herself instead of adopting the "groupthink" of radical left wing feminists. Keep in mind, the millions upon millions of conservative women feminist deserve a role model.

Tell my youngest girl, she can't aspire to something because she is a not a radical feminist and you a cold hard stare. Radical feminists do not realize they are destroying the feminist movement when they reject half the women of this country as not "feminist" enough based on their ideas.

That same girl of mine like Barrett has great faith and seeks to serve God through serving others... she wants a family... but before that she wants to join the Peace Corp out of college. As an engineering major full of boys, she quietly goes about kicking their butts in class.

She called me the other day about this boy bragging about how he got a 90 on his engineering test and told me she didn't have the heart to ruin his day telling him she got a 92.

Yet the same girl tells me how she enjoys the fact that in Texas, when her arms are full of books, a boy will jump ahead of her to open the door and if the roles were reversed, she would open the door for him. Barrett offers these young women something they have needed for a long time... a woman who shares the same values they do... the most important value being the right for every woman to make individual choices and not have their values dictated by the left or the right.

Anyone who finds themselves rejecting Barrett as a feminist because she thinks differently than they do... needs to go back and study what feminism is all about... It was never about women dictating what other women should think... it was about women thinking for themselves and making their own choices and being given equal opportunities...



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