Michael F Schundler
2 min readJun 9, 2019


There are two sides to every story. People living along the border feel threatened by Congress’s cowardly failure to respond with either funding to relocate the illegal immigrants to places that have the capacity to accept more immigrants or change our laws to make it less easy to claim political asylum.

The same people that believe a city or state can defy Federal law by establishing sanctuary cities, deny cities and states the right to establish them as “non sanctuary” areas where only legal US citizens and immigrants with the proper visas can reside. But both positions are founded on the same principles… local autonomy…

It is unfair to ask a small number of communities along the border to bear a disproportional share of the cost of what is a national issue, if they opt not to. Nor is it a surprise that they are organizing to stop what they see as a violation of their rights.

I know even in my town more than 100 miles from the border the influx of immigrants is creating massive disruptions as the already strain supply of barely affordable housing cannot handle the influx of people. Tent cities are literally springing up overnight all over the state.

Congress needs to man up, quit attacking Trump and put forth a plan that is consistent with the Federal funding and social services available. It is not an act of compassion to allow a poor family to enter this country with no place to live, no place to work, no public services including basic rest rooms. Nor is it an act of compassion to steal from the limited resources serving America’s poor and spread them over an even larger base by adding hundreds of thousands of immigrants.

We truly have a border crisis and if Congress does not act, it is unfair to attack those living along the border to organize in a manner to protect themselves. While most illegal immigrants have no desire to hurt anyone and are in fear, the reality is that fear will become hunger, and cold, and sickness, and the other issues that come along when government fails to perform its basic functions… and everyone knows that when that happens violence will break out…



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