The whole world is comprised of sinners, Christians are part of the world. Christians recognize they are sinners and so they seek forgiveness for their sins, but that simply makes them forgiven sinners, not less human.
Don't you find it discouraging that progressive liberals can't help themselves and have to label every Republican a racist and a fascist... even African Americans and Hispanics.
Meanwhile, Hispanics are abandoning the Democratic party in mass. African Americans are trending away from the Democratic party. Asians are bailing on the Democratic party. Do you think they are all stupid to... or are they seeing what you don't...
The Democratic party is become the party of old tired white "woke" people like Biden and Sanders and privileged white people like Newsom who locks down his state while he parties in Napa.
When progressive liberals park their anger and begin to explore why America is bailing on them what they are likely to find is Americans of all skin colors are losing interest in the relentless fearmongering of the left and want to hear what real solutions the Democratic party has for the mess Biden has gotten this country into.
Biden is not evil, he is not a fascist, he has shown some racist tendencies, but his failure is something most Americans see clearly, his policies don't make sense. And calling people fascist and racist, won't fix that.