The vast majority of voters care about the personal hardship inflation especially energy prices is having on their lives and the rising crime in their neighborhoods. Those are issues number 1,2 and 3.
People with higher incomes who are insulated from inflation and crime, especially those that live in the Northeast and west Coast who already support the Democrats are the relatively small group that support more government spending especially on corporate welfare (as long as it is directed to the right corporations).
As an example, why give the "chip" industry over $50 billion. FAB plants could just have easily been supported by simply waiving Federal income taxes on income from the domestically produced chips for 20 years after the plant opened. The money would have poured in from investors instead of taxpayers. And tax breaks would have been on chips produced not promised. On income that would never have been earned in the US otherwise.
The nearly $600 billion of spending in the last three government bills makes for a nice "sound bite" for those that support government actively managing our economy through spending. But that messaging only sells well with Democrats. Recent Gallup polls suggest it falls flat with over 52% of Americans (5% are undecided) and only 43% support more government spending to solve our nation's issues.
Supporting the bills for ideological reasons is fine. Expecting they will move the needle in the 2022 upcoming elections is based more on "hope" than reality.