The sources don't matter, I am tired of those arguments. Each source can be fact checked and I think you will find they are not misrepresenting anything. If you find a single example of that in those links let me know.
Regarding Trump and the birther issue of Obama. He did not start the rumor... the best evidence is it started or at least first got promoted in Democratic circles among Hillary Clinton's campaign workers. That remains unproven, but it is now clear thanks to the Durham investigation that her campaign with Hillary's knowledge attempted a similar rumor against Trump with respect to Russian collusion. Durham found the "smoking gun".
One could argue Trump should not have repeated the rumors, but of course, it is clear as I said that both parties play dirty, and it is ridiculous to suggest that the Republicans play dirtier. How about the time when Harry Reid lied in Congress knowing he was protected that Romney paid no taxes.
You don't seem to understand what fascism is about and use the word more like a "swear" word than an ideology. The Republican ideology is the opposite of fascism as it seeks to decentralize more power to the states while the Democrats seek to centralize power in the Federal government. More dangerously, if they don't move to block Biden's student loan forgiveness, they are giving the President never before powers over the purse (if Democrats want loan forgiveness, then they should legislate it).
Go re read what Trump said about Charlottesville. The toughest thing about being President is protecting the civil rights of assholes including KKK members who have as much a right to free speech as you do.
As the grandfather of five African American grandchildren, I disdain racists. But my disdain does not give me the right to infringe on the civil rights. But Democrats believe it does. And that is a form of fascism.
Someone who supports civil rights and democracy will allow racists, bigot, communists, and even anarchists to express themselves and have confidence in the people to discern the stupidity of their beliefs.
Trump publicly condemned racism repeatedly...
Don't confuse Democratic talking points with truth... in most cases, they are not true.