The reason we don't have enough CO2 today is because carbon was sequestered in the form of calcium carbonate (decayed bones and shells) and fossil fuels). Remember all of the carbon stored in the ground got there over time as "life died".
Your argument is not with me, but an increasing number of scientists not receiving substantial funding from governments that have studied the science and confirmed what NASA has confirmed.
"The latest Vegetation Index data from NASA shows that the Earth is getting progressively “greener” and lusher over time."
"The planet is 10 percent greener today than it was in 2000, NASA says, which means better conditions for growing crops. Forests are also expanding while deserts are becoming more fertile and usable for agriculture."
Bottom line the planet is better off. Sure, some areas are not, but in total the planet is greener and lusher. Those are the facts. Greener and lusher will support more life, not less life.
"All in all, the global Vegetation Index rose from 0.0936 to 0.1029 between 2000 and 2021, a 9.94 percent increase."
Ocean life is also rebounding beginning with phytoplankton at the poles. The rest of the ocean ecosystem is just starting to catch up, since their migration patterns have not yet adapted, but they will. That "blooming" we are seeing in Artic areas will support increases in animal life. Life follows food.
The cost estimates of adaptation are real. It will cost us money to adjust to a planet that has normal CO2 levels after building our world around an under supplied CO2 world.
Humans have adjusted to a low CO2 environment and there will be a cost to adjust to a better one. But that is a weak argument. When the planet's atmospheric levels got down as low 200 PPM we were facing ecological disaster (plants die at around 150 PPM). Putting a bit more cushion between the present CO2 level not only supports more life as the NASA study says, but also provides a greater margin of safety against evens that could suppress CO2 in the future.
Climate scientists are really focused on "climate" and the presumption is that a warmer climate is bad. But that is a false premise as the NASA studies show.