Michael F Schundler
3 min readNov 23, 2022


The problem with your narrative is it is not true factually.

In 1992 36% of people identified as conservative according to Gallup polls that year. Thirty years later 37% of people identify as conservative in 2021. In the 2022 election, Republicans won the popular vote nationally by over 6 million votes and huge swing from 2020 (in off years, pollsters use the cumulative House seats votes to determine the national popular vote).

It is true fewer people identify as moderate and most of them have shifted to identifying as liberal. But even then people identifying as liberal comprise only 25% of the population.

Of that 25% less than a quarter identify as very liberal or progressive liberal.

A Pew Research Center study confirmed that statistic in 2021, determining that only 7% of Americans identify as progressive. That group is highly concentrated (68%) among highly educated whites in America. Because of their geographical concentration, high incomes, and educations, this groups exerts disproportionate influence on the party platform of the Democratic party.

But therein lies their Achilles heel. As Trump demonstrated by pulling away blue collar workers and more recently Hispanics, the leadership of the Democratic party is increasingly out of touch with Americans. On so many important policies they simply don't line up with most Americans. That is why in the recent election, Democrats have been unwilling to participate in debates on issues with Republican opponents. Using massive campaign war chests, they have been able to mobilize turnout through well financed ground campaigns, but their success is also their weakness. They convince themselves this can continue even as America is turning away from their policies. This pretty much summarizes the flaws in their ideology...

"The most obvious flaw is that certain individuals claim to be oppressed while simultaneously enjoying support from the government, the media, academia, the entire entertainment industry, Big Business, and Big Tech. You can either be a marginalized victim or enjoy the support of the most powerful institutions in existence but not both.

Wokeness also contradicts itself. Take the phrase, “all white people are racist.” Translation: “People with this skin color are bad because they divide people up based on skin color.”

Wokeism takes superficial human traits—such as skin color, which reveal nothing truly important about an individual—and makes them the central organizing principle of society. They’re trying to reorganize our entire society around superficial traits.

What about its effects? Does Wokeism deliver on its promises? Exactly the opposite. Aside from making everyone miserable and poisoning the culture, Wokeism makes race relations worse."

Quote taken from: The Fatal Flaw At The Core Of Wokeism

By Steve Rose

However, if you live in an urban city, it is understandable where you might get that misunderstanding. Among Democrats for example, the percentage of people that identify as conservative has dropped 50% (that seems to explain the surge in Republicans from the Democratic party).

As Democrats purge their party of conservatives, they become more extreme and less attractive to moderates. Trump for all his flaws won over the Blue-Collar moderate voter to the Republican party and increasingly the percentage of POCs that vote Republican has slowly increased.

Democrat are gaining ground among young college educated crowd and the high income coastal elite crowd. But such an elite group is hardly the basis on which to build a strong political party.



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