The original post suggests that somehow Republicans are different than Democrats with respect to name calling. My response was pretty straightforward, they aren't.
I do think the most overused and misused comparisons in politics is with fascism and Nazism because of the powerfulness of those words regardless of there being any real connection between those ideologies and either party.
One can argue that today's Republican party leans towards 18th century classical liberalism which is the ideology incorporated in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, while Democrats have adopted and incorporated much of 19th century socialism into their progressive liberal ideology. But of course, such a "high brow" debate would simply not register with many citizens.
The sad reality is that it seems Democrats are afraid of having real hard core policy debates. Simple example being abortion. What Constitutional right does the Supreme Court have determining what abortion law is in this country... the recent Supreme Court rightfully ruled "none". It did not offer an alternative, that would have been judicial activism of a different flavor. It simply said the process for abortion law is the same as any law... through a legislative body with the Constitutional authority to make law.
I have no issue with Democrats pursuing a legislative law on abortion that they agree with (even if I don't), but threatening Supreme Court justices for simply applying our Constitution principles is wrong and far more "fascist" since it denied the legislative process if you want to get technical.