The objections to Warren are not superficial. They are policy based. Will Warren continue to support energy independence even if that means fossil fuels in the short to mid term? Will she support keeping taxes down on everyone including the rich… to promote economic growth? So how is she going to pay for her proposals… the whole “the rich will pay for it” suggests she is either lying or economically stupid… even the late night talk show hosts have figured that out.
Warren keeps saying she will issue executive orders in her first 90 days in office that change the laws of this country. Is she running as President or a one person legislative body? Her job is to enforce the laws of this country. Is that the job she wants or is she simply running to undermine Congress for failing to do its job to legislate the laws of this country.
The list goes on… people who choose their leaders based on personality are likely to get a very likable dictator.
I want my President to do two things.
First and foremost defend our civil liberties as individuals… all of us (including “viable” unborn babies according to the Supreme Court) are entitled to equal treatment and civil liberties… no picking and choosing which identity group you are going to put ahead of another… no punishing of those that don’t speak in political correct terminology… not imposing your view of “Nirvana” on all of us that don’t agree with it.
Second defend the private sector from government invasion… government should operate as the “watchdog” of unethical business practices… it can only perform that role honestly if it is not providing those services and if the person making the decision does not have a conflict of interest directly or indirectly. The Biden scandal has raised the problem conflicts of interest are playing in Washington. But how much more scandalous are conflicts that arise when the government is in charge of “watching” itself.
So how is Warren the best choice to enforce our laws and defend our economy from government invasion? That is what makes a candidate electable to me… I can tolerate laws passed that I don’t like if they are passed through the process outlined by the Constitution. I cannot tolerate laws and executive orders I do like if they are passed without regard to the process outlined by the Constitution.