The majority of Trump supporters are working class men and women, who until 10 years ago were the people that the Democrats claimed to be the heart and soul of the party. SuddenlWhen the Democrats embraced globalism on Obama, they, the Democrats have abandoned them, called them deplorable, called them terrorists. The same people that Joe Biden has praised on so many occasions, he now calls fascists.
Tragic and sad, the Democrats can't simply acknowledge they have abandoned blue collar wage workers when Obama embraced globalism.
It is not any more complicated than that... but instead Democrats have to resort to name calling and fearmongering, these people who want to work hard and earn a decent living for their families rather than see their jobs outsourced overseas to dirt cheap labor while they are told to be happy with how the government cares for them with entitlements.
The same people Joe Biden sometimes still calls the heart of America are the people the Democrats publicly despise, and claim are an existential threat to democracy.
Let's be honest for a second, if the Democratic policies were working, they would not be talking about Trump to distract Americans from the hardships they are experiencing. Trump should be in the rearview mirror, but Democratic policies have left the country in shambles and people are yearning for the days when a loudmouthed womanizing bully bragging President oversaw an economy that saw real wages going up, job opportunities expanding, America avoiding wars,
and economic growth. And you are not going to convince the 75% of America that believe Biden is taking the country in the wrong direction, that they are wrong by bad mouthing Trump.
The sad thing is if Trump decides not to run, the same name calling will descend on any Republican that runs for President. Pretty pathetic.