The last black man to win album of the year was Jon Batiste in 2022. He almost repeated in 2024 voting. So, hard to argue racism is behind black women not winning a grammy.
Looking over a longer period of time, 11 Black artists have won Album of the Year since 1957. That would 17.5% of the time. Blacks have therefore one the Album of the Year disproportionately (2 more times) relative to their composition of the population at large.
So, using an "equity" argument, black men should return 5 of their Grammy's and 3 of those should go to black women. The other likely should go to Hispanics.
Looking over a shorter time period (the last 25 years), as you note, a Black woman has only won once. But assuming Album of the year was given based on equity (proportionately to the population at large), we would have only expected a black woman to have won 1.6 times, since black women comprise 6.4% of the population. So, at least for the next 6 years, if equity were the criteria, one would expect a black woman to win one time making it twice over 31 years.
Of course, the Grammy's don't work that way. It is a voting process. And people like different kinds of music. Using your logic, Hispanics should be upset. They have also made a huge contribution to music, except that most non-Hispanics don't listen to them so it's hard for them to win Album of the Year even though some music artists are very successful.
If you were going to make Album of the Year objective, you could reduce it to sales. If that criteria were used than I think Whitney Houston would be the only Grammy winner of Album of the Year. So clearly, voters are looking beyond sales when voting for Album of the Year, but we have not yet reached the point, where we declare equity as a criterion for the process. If that were the case, then around 5 black men should give back their grammy's and three more black women should have them. To bring Album of the Year winners into racial equity parameters.