The Kool Aid is fine and untainted. So, would you vote an extremely moral and ethical individual whose values conflict with your values over a less ethical and moral individual who share most of your values and thus is likely to support the same legislation that you do?
Simply case in point, in the 90s, Bill Clinton was clearly someone with deep moral and ethical flaws, a womanizer, his wife had questionable business dealings (ala Whitewater), he had links to the Arkansas mafia and yet he turned out to have policies that were good for this country.
Or Bush I, a man most agree with and ethical, moral man, a war hero, loving husband and father. But whose policies caused the country to stall?
So, which one did you support and why? And that is with respect to a President that has real power. A Senator or House member is 1 vote. They don't control government agencies; they don't control anything as individuals. Ted Kennedy literally killed a woman and then tried to cover it up... but the Dems rallied around him, they needed his vote.